Monday, July 19, 2010


Here is your most awaited blog post folks... (drum roll!) your poems!!!

The most visually creative poem goes to the AJA ME team!

Here's the text (edited version)

My Hero

Oh! What a beautiful world
Such a wonderful world.
Full of blessing, full of well-being.
Full of happiness, there's no sadness.
I felt healthy, I felt fearless.
You are my heedful, you are my soldier
And you are my strength.

Oh! Thank you my mother.
You're my precious one.
And thank you my father,
You're my beloved one
Thank you for the encouragement.

And now I can go on my own

When the darkness was shattered
You are always there.
When sickness was acquired
You're always there
I felt secured
I felt fearless.

Coz no matter what happens
You will always be there.

Oh! Thank you my parents
My beloved parents.
Thank you for the outstanding care for me
Not only me
As well as my brothers and sisters
You're my hero, always my hero.
You're my inspiration, and my life
Always there, now and forever... MY PARENTS

AJA ME Team (2nd year BS Math/ BS Stat)

Edward Rey Hilo
Maria Lourdes Suralta
Angel Mari Lumanas
Jason Glenn Perez
Alvin Jay Enriquez

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