Friday, August 13, 2010

A Poem I Wrote in Honor of the Greatest Mother

An Ode to Mama Mary

Mama, I am your little girl.

Hold me tight,

Keep me in your sight,

So that I wander nowhere

No longer.

Mama, I am your little girl.

Teach me your ways

To quicken my pace

So that I catch up

With God’s love

And win the imperishable cup.

Mama, I am your little girl.

Grant me your humility

And shun timidity

That I may learn

Not my will to yearn.

Mama, I am your little girl.

I want to love you

Lady in blue

Because faithfulness alone

Is the only song I want to intone.

Mama, I am your little girl.

Bring me closer to your Little Boy

So that only He will possess

My heart, mind, body and soul

And no one else.

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